As I was planning out my regime I remembered this conversation.
So, #1 I was hitting it with antibiotics, #2 I was starving it by eating greens and going alkaline. Now I wanted to cook it to death.

Bio mats have different levels of heat, going from warm to very hot and can heat up your body with infrared heat safely penetrating very deeply.
I did this on my 1.5 month regime:
I decided to sleep on it every night at the highest heat. I always woke up around 2 am sweating and uncomfortable from the heat and would put it down on the second level for the rest of the night. So that was a good 3 to 5 hours of penetrating heat every night.
Also, just before bed, I would make a piping hot bath with Epsom salts and make myself lay in it, whole body covered up to my neck for AT least 10 minutes before bed.
Heat was a very important part of my regime that I stuck to for 1.5 months and never missed a day.

I needed to have on hand everything I needed everyday so I wouldn't miss anything, like for example put something in my mouth that wasn't green or think, oh I'm not going to bother with the heat tonight.
And like I said, I set a date in mind when I would be ready and I prepared for it.
Honestly, this was my last straw with Lyme. I felt like if this didn't work, nothing would.
That motivated me not to cheat on my diet, or skip out on my heat every night, and not to even have ONE sip of coffee. Kale/cucumber juice was ok though!